Our Facility
Quad City Dog Center is a state of the art dog sport facility located in Davenport Iowa. The facility consists of a climate controlled building including a performance area large enough to accommodate competitive events sanctioned by virtually all dog sport organizations as well as space for spectators, dog crating, offices and retail space. The facility also has ample outdoor space to accommodate parking area.
The QCDC owners are not in the business of training individuals in dog sports. Rather, the owners seek to rent the facility and equipment to qualified individuals to teach handling skills, either as regularly scheduled classes or weekend dog sport camps.
QCDC also sponsors dog sport events and competitions and rents to clubs sponsoring dog sporting events. The facility is available for individual practice time rental and course nights are held where dog\handler teams can pay by the night for several run throughs on a set practice course.
Clean Run Article on the QCDC
Meet the owners
Bill & Susan
Bill and Susan Fridrych are currently the owners of 2 Airedales; Airee, a 6 year old, and Gabby, a very enthusiastic 18 month old. Airee has consistently ranked among the top agility Airedales in the country over the last 4 years. Gabby is an aspiring agility dog in training. Bill has had dogs all of his life and, among all the activities he has done with his dogs, agility is at the top of the list.
Bill saw the purchase of the QC Dog Center as an opportunity to continue to provide dog handlers with the premier dog sports venue in the region. He wants to provide a safe, clean, and friendly atmosphere that will encourage dog handlers, from the beginning first dog puppy owner to the experienced handler, to participate in dog sports.
Carolyn & Paul
Started agility in 2003 with Wiley, a Coon Hound mix. Wiley was a willing agility dog as long as he didn’t have to go thru a tunnel or use a contact, both were very frightening. We successfully ran one complete course in class during the time we tried. Wiley is our porch hound.Bug, the Beagle, is my second agility dog. He started training in 2005 and started competing in 2006. Bug was not afraid of anything, but had to stop and bay before every jump, or contact (it was common to have 19 refusals on a course). All that being said, he earned his MX and MXJ before retiring from agility. Bug and I are now trying Nose Work. Chip, a Mini Schnauzer, is my third agility dog. We started training in 2007 and competing in 2008. Chip is determined, fast, and loves to play the game with only me. Running with him is my passion, really makes me happy. Chip has earned his MX and MXJ. Finn, a Mini Schnauzer, is my puppy in training. We have just begun the agility story and have many chapters to write. Finn is spunky, full of himself, and makes me smile. Our family’s heart dog is a Beagle named Gus. As he crossed the rainbow bridge we promised him we would rescue a Beagle in his honor. Wiley (who was supposed to be a Beagle) and Bug are from rescues in Iowa. Chip is from a rescue in Oklahoma, and Finn from Illinois.
Life before agility was spent as a social worker and a Security Manager for a health system. Retirement and the QCDC have given me the opportunity to live my passion. Paul, my husband, and I live in Davenport. We have 3 daughters and 8 Grandchildren.
David & Karen
David is one of the original co-founders of the Quad City Dog Center. In 2007 David and his late wife Micky Jerome, after visiting other agility locations, decided that the eastern Iowa and western Illinois area, surrounding the Quad cities, could support a dog sports facility. After about a year of planning, purchasing and contracting, the QCDC was opened. They participated in agility with their four dogs, Woody (Westie), Daisy (Westie), Skip (Cairn Terrier) and Oats (Irish Terrier). Woody, Daisy & Skip have all retired after successful agility careers. All three reaching levels of Excellent or higher with Woody being the first Westie to have both a MACH in AKC and V-NATCH in NADAC. Micky was diagnosed with ALS in 2014 and they sold the QCDC in December of that year. Micky passed away in 2016 and will forever be missed by her family and friends.
David was given the opportunity to purchase back ¼ share of the QCDC in November 2016 and later 1/3 share and is now an equal partner in the business with Carolyn and Bill. Oats and David are now working on their NATCH, V-NATCH in NADAC and have obtained a PACH 1 title in AKC. David married Karen (Bick) in 2018. David and Micky first met Karen through agility at the QCDC where Karen and her agility partner Jack participated in NADAC and AKC. Jack obtained his NATCH, V-NATCH, MACH, PACH, PAX & CATCH before retiring. Karen and her new agility partner Dotty are now beginning the NADAC and AKC journey. They look forward to seeing everyone at the QCDC in future trials, give them a hello when you see them.